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ALAA at the SCFMS Show
By Dick Pankey, Vice President, ALAA

As you are all well aware of by now the AFMS meetings at Humble, were canceled because of Hurricane Ike. I was already on my way when I got the news so Betty and I just kept going. Since I was pulling my trailer hotel availability was not an issue for us. We arrived at the Civic Center in Humble to find out that the show was going on as planned. Betty was going to the show to represent the Ye Old Timers Mineral Club and present checks to the AFMS Endowment Fund and the Scholarship Fund.

ALAA is having a slow year due in part to a lack of a newsletter editor. ALAA usually holds its annual meeting and election of officers at the AFMS meeting/show. Unfortunately, President Bob Carlson and the other officers and directors were among those with “no room at the inn” and were unable to attend. I thought that it was important for ALAA to have a presence at the Show so I scheduled a meeting for Saturday afternoon. Since I was helping Betty at the YOTMC information table I posted a sign inviting all ALAA members and any interested people to attend. I put out a sign-up sheet and hoped. I got a few question about what is ALAA and what do they do and I got a couple of sign-ups.

So on Saturday afternoon, September 27th the ALAA meeting was called to order by Vice President Dick Pankey. No other officers nor directors were present so this was not a “formal” meeting.” The purpose was 5 fold: for ALAA to have a presence at this show; to get things moving again; create some visibility and enthusiasm for ALAA; discuss pending legislation that will affect rockhounds; and highlight the need for an editor for the ALAA Newsletter.

Meeting Highlights:

  • There were 6 people attending; 1 from NFMS, 4 from MWF and me from the CFMS. We started with self introduction.

  • A problem – PLAC Chairs in some federations not filled. There is a lack of leadership, continuity, central focus. Need a focus person in every federation and every society.

  • Need – a list of Federation Web Masters and Bulletin Editors.

  • Need – lists of who to write and their addresses for both congress and federal agencies. Since we need to communicate nationally how to identify people to contact and how to get contact information.

  • Need – more information about Blue Ribbon Coalition and how to get on their E-mail Alert list.

  • Need – an editor for the ALAA Newsletter. We have not had an editor since 12/07 when Kitty Starbuck did her last issue. Communication with the membership is drastically needed.

  • Objective – encourage membership in ALAA for both individuals and societies.

  • Idea – because there is often a “need for speed” to respond to legislative and agency activities ALAA should communicate through e-mail. (I believe AFMS President Shirley Leeson is already working on this.)

  • Need – increased visibility, action, and leadership from ALAA on pending legislation and BLM/FS activities.

  • Problem – there is a marked increase legislative activity and federal agency activity that restricts our collecting activities and access to our public lands. Many of our local society membership seem to be uninformed, ill informed and complacent about what is happening and what can be done about it. All of us who “know”, all of us who are “informed”, all of us who “care” must help the others to “know”, to get “informed” and to “care.” And then we must all take the next step and get involved by writing letters and e-mails, attending meetings and taking action.

  • Our meeting was adjourned with the satisfaction that we did something today and left with a little more enthusiasm and commitment.

So what are the next steps for ALAA? A number one priority for me is a new (willing, enthusiastic, committed) Editor for our Newsletter. The ALAA Newsletter is only published 4 times a year and thus the need for more timely communication through e-mail. If you would like more information about this job as editor or if you would like to volunteer, please contact me at dickpankeyjuno.com. In the interim I am volunteering to edit the next issue (ONE ISSUE) of the ALAA Newsletter in December. Therefore, I am calling on all officers and directors of ALAA, and all people that are interested and involved, to submit articles to me. Due date for submission is December 8th. I prefer to get your article by e-mail attachment (as a Word Doc) or in the body of the e-mail.

via December 2008 AFMS Newsletter

Last Revised on January 05, 2009
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